Feel the site and perceive clients aspirations

Setting the direction right!

Clients Interactions

Dialogue with client to understand their functional and aspirational requirements.

Study site 360 degree

Co-ordinating geographical, geotechnical and contours survey and generating report.

Site potential

Confirming land use and norms as per statutory authorities and giving feedback.

Make and break till we yell "EUREKA"

Turn, Twist and Think out of the box.

Form our design brief

Blend of aspirations of clients and end users and evolve Archicon's design brief.

Breaking heads

Ideate. Deliberate. Criticize. Question. Annalise. Visualize. And Co-create.

Infinite to finite

Bring ideas into shape. Creation of study models, options and conecpt presentation.

From office to field

Converting concept to reality.

Bricks. Steel. Glass.

Designing. Detailing. Material Selection. Quantities. Costing. Tender documents.

Pipes. Air. Cables.

Designing. Detailing. Material Selection. Quantities. Costing. Tender documents.

Virtual Experience.

3D views. Walkthroughs. fly byes. Animation.

Monitoring the actual cooking

Mix, blend, taste and improve

Coordinate for final product as visualized

Check for quality parameters, time schedule, costing caps.

Measure performance and compensate

Bill certification of different vendors, change order management, reporting to clients periodically.

Coordinating green signal from authorities

Preconstruction sanction, during construction approval, post construction completion certificate.

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